
Simplicity May be the Solution to the Boxboard Recycling Dilemma

By Myles CohenChairman, Circular Ventures, LLC Commitment to Sustainability is on the tongue of most corporate executives–but especially for those of us in the packaging business. It’s not only good corporate responsibility. It’s also good business.Michael Doss, CEO of Graphic Packaging International, perhaps said it best when his company’s sales increases were driven by sustainability-supported […]

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Consumers Are More Likely to Buy Goods with Clear Recycling Info

We couldn’t say it any better than this article for Packaging Digest Consumers are still confused about whether certain packages can go in the recycling bin. Making recycling info on paper packaging easy to find and follow might just boost your product sales. “If you want to attract and keep more environmentally conscious consumers in today’s

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Strongman Offers A Heavy Handed Recycling Solution….

Recycle Strip Offers a More Elegant Approach! “GEICO, known for its “tongue in cheek” humorous commercials on REAL LIFE issues, strongman commercial offers a funny solution to recycling cardboard.  But for neighborhoods and companies that don’t have a local muscleman to break down corrugated boxes, Recylecstrip’s simple “Rip The Strip” and “Flatten The Box” method

Strongman Offers A Heavy Handed Recycling Solution…. Read More »

Deloitte: Consumer Sustainability Most Critical Product Innovation in 2022

Deloitte’s 2022 Consumer Products Outlook found that 54% of CPG executives believe consumer sustainability will be the most critical area for consumer product innovation in 2022. In a follow-up survey of those executives, over 70% said their companies are likely to make significant investments in sustainability innovation this year. Top priorities for these included sustainable

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